
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2022

Seeking Happily Ever After : Navigating the Ups and Downs of Being Single without Losing Your Mind (and Possibly Finding Mr. Right Along the Way) (9781585428311)

Read Michelle Cove's blogs and other content on the Penguin Community. The ultimate antidote to negative dating guides, this practical, positive book helps single women figure out and achieve their personal goals for their romantic futures. Singleness is no longer a quick blip on the radar of our lives; for more and more of us, singleness is a bona fide life stage, with its own joys and challenges. Positive and uplifting, "Seeking Happily Ever" After is the first true road map to that life stage for women- a guide to navigating the ups and downs and developing a plan for understanding and achieving your own romantic goals. "Seeking Happily Ever After" offers individualized advice for twelve different "types" of single women-from women who've spent their whole life dreaming of a perfect wedding to those who have always assumed they would marry young but are now unsure-and many more. Filled with exercises and "action items" to help the ...

Mythologie (3788613882)

Mythologie ist ein umfassendes Nachschlagewerk über alte Völker, Legenden und mystische Ereignisse. Lebendige Texte und ausdrucksstarke Illustrationen stellen auf spannende Art und Weise die Welt der Kelten, Mayas, Wikinger und anderer sagenumwobener Völker dar. So tauchen Kinder ab 10 Jahren in die faszinierende Welt der Mythen und Legenden ein. Product details Format Hardback | 159 pages Publisher Tessloff ...

Rattatatam, mein Herz (3462050478)

Jeder 6. Deutsche leidet im Laufe seines Lebens einmal unter einer Angststörung. Angststörungen treten laut einer internationalen Studie häufiger auf als Depressionen. Und doch sind sie immer noch ein Tabuthema. Franziska Seyboldt will dies mit »Rattatatam, mein Herz« ändern.Die Angst hat sich schon früh eingeschlichen in Franziska Seyboldts Leben. Und sie ist weit über das hinausgegangen, was man allgemein unter »Ã¤ngstlich« versteht. Angst davor, mit der U-Bahn zu fahren, zum Arzt zu gehen, in beruflichen Situationen zu versagen, kurz: generalisierte Angststörung. Panikattacken. Millionen von Menschen kämpfen sich mit dieser Erkrankung und der daraus resultierenden Angst vor der Angst durchs Leben und sind wahre Meister im Ausredenerfinden geworden, notgedrungen. Warum spricht niemand darüber? Warum ist die Angststörung nicht so »normal« wie Depressionen oder Burn-out? Diese Fragen stehen am Anfang von Franziska Seyboldts poetischem und mutigen Buch, das ihren Weg durch die Angst besc...

Divination Dictionary : A Beginner's Guide to Fortune-Telling (9781454942870)

Learn the art of divination and take your destiny into your own hands with this beginner's guide to fortune telling. Internationally known author and clairvoyant Lilian Verner-Bonds helps budding witches and new practitioners of magic tap into their intuition--and empower themselves. She explains the rich heritage associated with the art of divination and shows you how to interpret your own, and your friends', futures. A guide to over 40 divination methods ranges from the familiar--astrology, palmistry, tarot--to the more unusual, including cephalomancy (skull reading) and tea-leaf reading. Begin by understanding the truths our own bodies tell us through such methods as psychic drawing and oneirology (the study of dreams), and then move on to telling fortunes from nature (including omens and augury), reading objects (pendulum divination and scrying), and revelations of the random (runes, the I Ching, casting dice). Product details ...

Regionale Integration : Die EU und der MERCOSUR im Vergleich (9783842892361)

Drei Regionalisierungswellen haben im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts regionale Integration "zu einem neuen Bestandteil des internationalen Systems" (Kösler/Zimmek 2008) werden lassen. So vielfältig wie die regionalen Integrationsprojekte sind auch die zahlreichen integrationstheoretischen Ansätze, die vor allem mit der dritten Regionalisierungswelle eine weitere Ausdifferenzierung erfuhren, jedoch auch oftmals von der europäischen Integration inspiriert wurden. Heute gilt die Europäische Union (EU) als die am weitesten entwickelte Form regionaler Integration und wird daher oft als Modell für andere Regionen betrachtet. Der Gemeinsame Markt des Südens (Mercado Común del Sur, Mercosur) wurde von der Integration in Europa inspiriert. Er wurde 1991 während der dritten Regionalisierungswelle von Argentinien, Brasilien, Paraguay und Uruguay gegründet, ist heute jedoch anders integriert als die EU. Nach der Diskussion integrationstheoretischer Ansätze erfolgt eine Analyse des Integratio...

Art Fundamentals 2nd edition : Light, shape, color, perspective, depth, composition & anatomy (9781912843077)

Art Fundamentals 2nd Edition is a fully revised and updated back-to-basics title, packed with the fundamental concepts, conventions, and theory every beginner artist needs to create successful work. This essential book is written by industry experts who thoroughly address key basics including color and light, composition, perspective and depth, and anatomy in a series of insightful chapters. As well as being the perfect introduction for newcomers, Art Fundamentals 2nd Edition also offers experienced artists the chance to brush up on their theory and discover new tricks, tips, and techniques to advance their art even further. Richly illustrated throughout for optimal learning, each section of the book is specifically designed to guide the reader through the essential yet often challenging elements that make up the foundations of art, no matter which medium or technique is used. As fascinating and illuminating as it is practical and essential, Art Fundamentals 2nd Edition contains the fo...

The Cholesterol Counter: 7th Edition (9781416509851)

With more than six hundred pages of food listings--from your very own freezer to your favorite restaurant chain--The Cholesterol Counter gives you all the important information you need to know about your favorite foods. Your lifestyle choices can significantly improve your health! Small, consistent changes in the way you eat and live can help reduce your cholesterol levels and lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, certain kinds of cancer, and dementia. Nationally known nutritionists Annette Natow and Jo-Ann Heslin explain the latest scientific research on evaluating and treating high cholesterol in terms you can understand and apply to your life right now. This totally rewritten and expanded 7th edition of The Cholesterol Counter includes: -Cholesterol, fiber, calories, and portion sizes for more than 20,000 foods and more than 100 national and regional restaurant chains -An individual risk-assessment quiz, plus worksheets, tables, and tips to easily keep track of your daily chol...

The Most Dangerous Book Ever Published : Deadly Deception Exposed! (9788793987210)

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell. In seventy-eight essays, seven prominent social critics question everything from government authority to COVID-19 in what has been called, "the most dangerous book ever published." This thought-provoking and empowering, even "criminal," anthology is a major challenge to the establishment, the ruling oligarchy, or whatever we choose to call the deep state, central planners, and mega-criminals who set and control global narratives. Readers are presented with an array of "forbidden" subjects and in-depth analyses that pull the rug underneath the elite and expose the lies that constitute the matrix. Among others, this book documents and casts light on: - Washington's deadly pursuit of hegemony camouflaged as the "War on Terror" and "spreading democracy." - The erosion of legal principles and elimination of civil and human rights under the...

The Sacred Year : Mapping the Soulscape of Spiritual Practice - How Contemplating Apples, Living in a Cave and Befriending a Dying Woman Revived My Life (9781491522134)

One searcher's honest and fascinating journey to encounter God, love others, and discover his true self through a year of spiritual practices. Frustrated and disillusioned with his life as a Christian motivational speaker, Michael Yankoski was determined to stop merely talking about living a life of faith and start experiencing it. The result was a year dedicated to engaging in spiritual practices, both ancient and modern, in a life-altering process that continues to this day. Whether contemplating an apple for an hour before tasting it (attentiveness), eating on $2.00 a day (simplicity) or writing simple letters of thanks (gratitude), Michael discovered a whole new depth through the intentional life. Stirred on by the guiding voice of Father Solomon, a local monk, Yankoski's life is slowly transformed. Both entertaining and heart-wrenching, Yankoski's story will resonate with those who wish to deepen their own committed faith. Produ...

Syntactic Theory : A Formal Introduction (9781575863993)

This second edition of "Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction" expands and improves upon a truly unique introductory syntax textbook. Like the first edition its focus is on the development of precisely formulated grammars whose empirical predictions can be directly tested. There is also considerable emphasis on the prediction and evaluation of grammatical hypotheses, as well as on integrating syntactic hypotheses with matters of semantic analysis. The book covers the core areas of English syntax from the last quarter century, including complementation, control, "raising constructions", passives, the auxiliary system, and the analysis of long distance dependency constructions. "Syntactic Theory's" step-by-step introduction to a consistent grammar in these core areas is complemented by extensive problem sets drawing from a variety of languages. The book's theoretical perspective is presented in the context of current models of language processing,...

The Death Archives : Mayhem 1984-94 (9781787601291)

Mayhem are the most influential Black Metal band in the world, and obviously no strangers to controversy. Death Archives offer never before seen photographs and unique insight into one of music's most extreme subcultures. The Death Archives is a ravishingly illustrated first-person account of the birth of black metal in the Norwegian scene by Jorn "Necrobutcher" Stubberud, the founding member and ongoing bass player in Mayhem. During the band's ongoing career, now spanning thirty years, bass player and only surviving band member from the original line-up, Jorn "Necrobutcher" Stubberud, has collected enormous amounts of photographs, video diaries and memorabilia. In this unique documentary book, Stubberud shares the first groundbreaking years of Mayhem's existence including their first photo-sessions in full corpse regalia; recording sessions, and exclusive stills from live video footage of their earliest gigs. In Necrobutcher's Death Archives he s...

Simply Trinity : The Unmanipulated Father, Son, and Spirit (9781540900074)

What if the Trinity we've been taught is not the Trinity of the Bible? In this groundbreaking book, Matthew Barrett reveals a shocking discovery: we have manipulated the Trinity, recreating the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in our own image. With clarity and creativity, Barrett mines the Scriptures as well as the creeds and confessions of the faith to help you rediscover the beauty, simplicity, and majesty of our Triune God. You will be surprised to learn that what you believe about the Trinity has untold consequences for salvation and the Christian life. To truly know God, you must meet the One who is simply Trinity. Product details Format Paperback | 368 pages ...