
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2021

AMA Physician ICD-9-CM 2005: v. 1 & 2 (9781579475741)

Significant changes made yearly, you'll want to reserve your 2005 copy now! Don't miss out on this best selling code book, contains a complete and comprehensive approach to medical diagnosis coding. HIPAA regulations require the use of the current standard code set, use of the official coding guidelines, and adherence to official coding advice. Rely on the AMA ICD-9-CM code book to provide you with: References to AHA's Coding Clinic for ICD-9-CM. Identifies the exact issue of Coding Clinic, the official discussion of correct ICD-9-CM code assignment, which contains further information on particular codes. Complete Official Coding Guidelines. As required by HIPAA for coding and reporting both outpatient and inpatient services. Summary of Code Changes for 2005. Intuitive symbols and color-coded bars highlight all Medicare code edits crucial to correct reimbursement. Valid Three-Digit Code Table. Know at a glance whether a three-digit code is valid for submitting on a claim....

Calculus : Early Transcendentals (1285741552)

Success in your calculus course starts here! James Stewart's CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS texts are world-wide best-sellers for a reason: they are clear, accurate, and filled with relevant, real-world examples. With CALCULUS: EARLY TRANSCENDENTALS, Eighth Edition, Stewart conveys not only the utility of calculus to help you develop technical competence, but also gives you an appreciation for the intrinsic beauty of the subject. His patient examples and built-in learning aids will help you build your mathematical confidence and achieve your goals in the course. Product details Format Hardback | 1368 pages Dimensions ...

Personalmanagement Im Demografischen Wandel. Ein Handbuch Fur Den Veranderungsprozess Mit Toolbox Demografiemanagement Und Altersstrukturanalyse (9783540763451)

Der demografische Wandel ist in vollem Gange: Die Bevölkerung und damit die Belegschaften in Betrieben altern, qualifizierter Nachwuchs macht sich rar. Personalverantwortliche erkennen zunehmend: In den nächsten Jahren werden der Umgang mit älteren Mitarbeitern und die Talentsuche zentrale Herausforderungen von Personalmanagement und Führung sein. Die Bewältigung dieses unaufhaltsamen Prozesses wird über die Zukunft von Unternehmen mitentscheiden. Dieses Buch unterstützt Organisationen dabei, den Herausforderungen alternder Belegschaften strategisch zu begegnen: Neben einer fundierten Altersstrukturanalyse werden in einer "Toolbox Demografie" konkrete Maßnahmen für alle Handlungsfelder des Personalprozesses beschrieben - von der Personalbeschaffung über Personalentlohnung, -führung und -entwicklung bis zum Wissens- und Gesundheitsmanagement. Beispiele aus zahlreichen Unternehmen zeigen anschaulich, wie Risiken identifiziert und gemanagt werden können. 29 ergänzende Expertenbe...

European Integration and Supranational Governance (0198294646)

The European Union began in 1957 as a treaty among six nations but today constitutes a supranational polity - one that creates rules that are binding on its 15 member countries and their citizens. This majesterial study confronts some of the most enduring questions posed by the remarkable evolution of the EU: Why does policy-making sometimes migrate from the member states to the European Union? And why has integration proceeded more rapidly in some policy domains than in others? A distinguished team of scholars lead by Wayne Sandholtz and Alec Stone Sweet offers a fresh theory and clear propositions on the development of the EU. Combining broad data and probing case studies, the volume finds solid support for these propositions in a variety of policy domains. The coherent theoretical approach and extensive empirical analyses together constitute a significant challenge to approaches that see the EU as a straightforward product of member-state interests, power, and bargaining. This vol...

Love Satisfies : How to have infinite non-ejaculatory orgasms (Dry orgasms, Energy orgasms, Male multiple orgasms, Tantric Sex, Sustainable Sex) (1479215694)

You can have the same wonderful, mind-blowing, and satisfying orgasms without ejaculating. Google it. Ejaculating and orgasms are two separate things. Google it. You can have either one without the other one. Many books teach how to have dry orgasms, also known as non-ejaculatory orgasms and male multiple orgasms.Why bother having orgasms without ejaculating? Because instead of going limp and falling asleep, you'll stay hard and full of energy. Why buy this particular book? Love Satisfies is a picture book. Creatively-drawn illustrations (one for every page of writing) teach dry orgasms. It's written at the fifth grade level - simple and easy to understand."Do dry orgasms feel the same?"Yes, you'll feel the same wonderful feelings of release. Your throbbing, pulsing, contractions just won't pump anything out."Will I still be able to ejaculate?"Yes, you'll ejaculate whenever you want to, but you probably won't want to.- Not ejaculating el...

Tiger Time Level 4 Teacher's Book + eBook Pack (9781786329738)

The Teacher's Book contains reduced pages of the Student's Book and Activity Book and also has lesson plans with clearly marked objectives and competencies. Fully integrated digital support is provided via access to the Teacher's Resource Centre where a wealth of extra material can be found. An eBook version of the Student's Book is also included. Product details Format Mixed media product Dimensions 247 x 302 x 15mm | 604g ...

Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery (9783662511602)

Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery is recognized to be an important and effective option for the treatment of severe obesity and the various associated conditions and diseases. This book presents state of the art knowledge on such surgery with the aim of facilitating the sharing and exchange of knowledge, documenting effective techniques, and enhancing safety and outcomes. All technical aspects are covered in detail, and the text is complemented by many helpful illustrations. A further key feature is the provision of accompanying surgical videos, which will be of value to both novice and experienced surgeons. This textbook will be a great asset in clinical practice for all who are involved or interested in bariatric and metabolic surgery. Product details Format Paperback | 112 pa...

Dermatology (9780323024099)

This groundbreaking new two-volume masterwork encompasses all of today's dermatology knowledge. And it presents this information in a format meticulously crafted to better meet the reference needs of today's practitioners. With its peerless international editorial team; ideal balance of basic science and clinical content; thousands of exquisite, full-colour photographs and illustrations; consistently formatted, tightly edited chapters; and other unique advantages, "Dermatology" represents a superior alternative to traditional comprehensive references in this field. It features a website only (e-dition) and multimedia package. Consult the book's entire contents online - fully searchable. It provides continuous content updates - approx. 100 per year. It contains a complete library of easily downloadable electronic images; drug alerts and other specialty news; links to key dermatology websites; systemic drug questionnaires; self-assessment tests...and more! ...

Wie man eine Herrin im Internet findet (3738604375)

Sie, eine dominante Dame, haben nur unpassende Anschreiben bekommen von Männern, die sich als devot bezeichnen, aber nichts davon in ihrem virtuellen oder realen Auftreten vorweisen können. Trotz einer schein baren Fülle von Angeboten war der Traum- Sub nicht dabei. Du bist ein Mann, der erkannt hat, dass er devot und/oder masochistisch empfindet. Du glaubst, du bist chancenlos in dieser drängelnden Menge. Aber sind die Mitbewerber wirklich Konkurrenz für dich? Sind devote Männer wirklich so hoffnungslos in der Überzahl, sind die dominant-sadi stischen Frauen so selten, wie es scheint? Wir werden hier eine Legende killen. Und wir werden ein paar Sitten und Unsitten kritisch beleuchten und wohl auch Denkgewohnheiten und Vorurteile zu demontieren versuchen. Am Ende schauen mit Sicherheit ein paar neue Chancen für beide Seiten heraus. Product details Format ...

Behavioral Health Disability : Innovations in Prevention and Management (9780387098135)

The purpose of this book is to demystify the evaluation and management of common psychological disorders and psychosocial issues which impact all realms of medical and mental health practice. These types of issues are often seen as "medical quicksand" by treating professionals, employers, and insurers alike. Consequently, there is a system-wide avoidance of these disorders that significantly increase medical and disability costs. However, there is a considerable cost to individual and society as well in terms of the reduction in the quality of life of the individual and the high costs associated with chronic use of medical resources. It is essential to note the complexity of the psychiatric and psychosocial disability conundrum. This dilemma is not limited solely to short-term, minor problems but leach into the full spectrum of disability systems: private insurance, disability insurance, and federal programs for disabled persons. This book will provide innovative tools to con...

Xerostomia : An Interdisciplinary Approach to Managing Dry Mouth (9781630914899)

An interdisciplinary textbook on dry mouth, Xerostomia: An Interdisciplinary Resource for Practitioners provides an overview of xerostomia for physicians, dentists, nurses, speech-language pathologists, and otolaryngologists who encounter the condition in their practice. Xerostomia is a common condition, yet only one in seven cases are referred to a speech-language pathologist or otolaryngologist for treatment. Featuring contributions from speech-language pathologists, otolaryngologists, dentists, oral pathologists, and nurses, the text's interdisciplinary approach and evidence-based framework provides practitioners with an awareness and understanding of xerostomia that will improve interprofessional coordination and enhance patient care. With a robust accompanying website including patient education resources, Xerostomia addresses the following topics: An otolaryngologist's view of xerostomia, including causes, symptoms, evaluation, and treatment Patient perspectives of livi...

Essential NMRCGP CSA Preparation and Practice Cases (9781846194061)

The Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA) of the new Membership of the Royal College of General Practice (nMRCGP) examinations can be a daunting test: candidates face assessment on an unknown situation by a 'patient' and assessor, however, help is at hand. This book has been written by a CSA examiner in concert with GP training programme members to help candidates approach the exam feeling prepared, calm and in control. It includes advice on preparation, consultation skills, how the assessment is marked, and 12 practice CSA cases, along with advice on how candidates can create cases with which to practise and assess each other. Clear, practical, and based on sound knowledge and proven techniques, this book will be essential reading for nMRCGP CSA candidates. 'Rhona is a passionate and compassionate educator with a strong sense of natural justice, and also a long-standing MRCGP examiner. She has developed an approach to understanding and preparing for the Clinical Skills Assess...

The Life and Times of Guillaume Dupuytren, 1777-1835 (9789054875727)

Though Guillaume Dupuytren is famous in medical books as a pioneer of plastic surgery, this intriguing biography is the first to describe his private life and career against the cultural and political landscape of Napoleonic France. As this work details, as the head surgeon of the Hôtel-Dieu hospital, the largest hospital in France, Dupuytren treated not only a large and highly varied number of surgical patients, but also the victims of riots, insurrections, revolutions, and the cholera epidemic of 1832. Following his rise to prominence, this biographical account shows how Dupuytren then become became the surgeon of King Louis XVIII and a friend to powerful figures such as Baron James de Rothschild and Baron Alexander von Humboldt. Product details Format Paperback | 120 pages ...

How to Raise a Rocket Scientist for Fun and Profit (9781432796136)

On a cold winter day, in a little town in the mountains, a baby girl is born dead. Revived, brought back to life, her mother rescued from almost the same fate, the little baby not only survives but begins to thrive, in her own way, and at her own pace. Afflicted with cerebral palsy, slowly she learns the basics of how to live, to walk, to talk, to find ways to adapt to a world made for normal people, ordinary people. Taught from an early age to believe in the magic of Disney, that if one truly believes, if one can dream it, one can do it, the little girl grows into a woman. But will she overcome all obstacles and achieve her dream of reaching for the stars? Will she graduate at the top of her class in a major university and be offered her dream position with NASA working on a project that will help to unravel the mysteries of the universe? Written in the third person, this touching memoir, based on a true story, unfolds primarily through the eyes of the father who, in the end, has to a...

I Can Potty 1 2 3 (9781940710013)

It's the summer before preschool and Alex is excited about having friends over for his Big Boy party. But minutes before his friends arrive, Alex has an accident and begins to cry. "How can I have a Big Boy party if I can't stay dry?" Join the celebration as Alex has fun with his friends...and stays dry, too! This delightful story is written for children 18 months to 5 years, regardless of their progress in the potty-training process. With bright, energetic illustrations and a focus on problem-solving, even the most resistant child can embrace potty training as a normal part of everyday life. Product details Format Paperback | 32 pages Dimensions ...

Peter Pan (9781721681617)

Peter Pan Peter Pan and Wendy by J. M. Barrie Peter pan, the mischievous boy who refuses to grow up, lands in the Darling's proper middle-class home to look for his shadow. He befriends Wendy, John and Michael and teaches them to fly (with a little help from fairy dust). He and Tinker Bell whisk them off to Never-land where they encounter the Red Indians, the Little Lost Boys, pirates and the dastardly Captain Hook. Unlike the boiled-down, sugarcoated contemporary versions of Peter Pan, the original classic by Barrie is not only magical but witty, sophisticated and delightfully odd. We are delighted to publish this classic book as part of our extensive Classic Library collection. Many of the books in our collection have been out of print for decades, and therefore have not been accessible to the general public. The aim of our publishing program is to facilitate rapid access to this vast reservoir of literature, and our view is that this is a significant literary work, which deserve...

I Wish I'd Known... How Much I'd Love You! : Black & White Edition (9781494736538)

(BLACK & WHITE EDITION) Journey with parents and children as they face health problems, emotional stress, and discrimination all with genuine love and resilience. This book is not only packed with uplifting stories of cleft children, but will show you the children's transformations, answer your questions about clefts, provide parents with tips and encouragement for their own child's cleft journey, show you where to find supplementary cleft resources, and much, much more! No matter your background or experience in the cleft condition, you will be blown away by I Wish I'd Known... How Much I'd Love You. Product details Format Paperback | 252 pages ...

Eyewitness Auschwitz : Three Years in the Gas Chambers (9781566632713)

Filip Muller came to Auschwitz with one of the earliest transports from Slovakia in April 1942 and began working in the gassing installations and crematoria in May. He was still alive when the gassings ceased in November 1944. He saw millions come and disappear; by sheer luck he survived. Muller is neither a historian nor a psychologist; he is a source-one of the few prisoners who saw the Jewish people die and lived to tell about it. Eyewitness Auschwitz is one of the key documents of the Holocaust. Product details Format Paperback | 192 pages Dimensions 138 x 208 ...

Coco Chanel : An Intimate Life (9780143122128)

The controversial story of Chanel, the twentieth century's foremost fashion icon Revolutionizing women's dress, Gabrielle Coco'' Chanel was the twentieth century's most influential designer. Her extraordinary and unconventional journey--from abject poverty to a new kind of glamour--helped forge the idea of modern woman. Unearthing an astonishing life, this remarkable biography shows how, more than any previous designer, Chanel became synonymous with a rebellious and progressive style. Her numerous liaisons, whose poignant and tragic details have eluded all previous biographers, were the very stuff of legend. Witty and mesmerizing, she became muse, patron, or mistress to the century's most celebrated artists, including Picasso, Dalí, and Stravinsky. Drawing on newly discovered love letters and other records, Chaney's controversial book reveals the truth about Chanel's drug habits, her lesbian affairs, and her German lover during World War II. While...

Neuroeducation Toolbox : Practical Translations of Neuroscience in Counseling and Psychotherapy (9781516577552)

Combining scientific research with insightful literature, The Neuroeducation Toolbox: Practical Translations of Neuroscience in Counseling and Psychotherapy provides students and clinicians with a set of tools for integrating neuroscience into clinical practice. The text emphasizes the application of neuroeducation and highlights how this powerful intervention can reduce client stress, improve outcomes, and increase levels of collaboration between counselors and their clients. Opening chapters demonstrate the myriad uses of neuroeducation in practice and explain how to facilitate the neuroeducation process. Readers explore key principles of brain development, learn about brain anatomy and physiology, and develop understanding of the autonomic nervous system. The embodied brain, memory systems, and the social emotional nature of the brain are addressed. The book closes with discussions of the technical applications of neuroscience and the future of neuroeducation. Each chapter features ...

Help Your Kids with Growing Up : A No-Nonsense Guide to Puberty and Adolescence (9780241287255)

Deal with the ups and downs of growing up. This visual guide to puberty and adolescence is a must-read for all parents and tweens embarking on those scary teenage years. This growing up book covers contemporary issues such as internet safety and tackles key topics such as sexuality and body image. Demystify puberty with this must-read home reference book by Prof. Robert Winston. From your menstrual cycle to sexting, and even cyber-bullying. This straightforward, unpatronizing approach to tricky topics is the essential illustrated guide to adolescence for both parents and their teens. The stunning graphics and illustrations make this invaluable for tweens and teens alike. Help Your Kids With Growing Up is a guide for modern kids coming into their teen years. It addresses topical issues like body image, the effects of social media and sexting. It also offers a biological explanation for the physical side of being a teenager from mood swings, periods and breaking voices. This book offers ...

The Sovereign Individual : How to Survive and Thrive during the Collapse of the Welfare State (0684810077)

Two renowned investment advisors and forecasters present their prognostications--political, social, and economic--for the coming years and outline the practical consequences of adapting to the new global economy and the information age. 100,000 first printing. Tour. Product details Format Hardback | 416 pages Dimensions 160 x 240 x 38.1mm | 657.71g Pub...

The Seventh Scroll : The Egyptian Series 2 (9781785766978)

She glanced down at the drawer in which she kept all her floppy disks. That and all the other drawers had been pulled out and thrown on the floor. They were empty, of course; along with the disks, all her notebooks and photographs were missing. Her last connections with the seventh scroll were lost. After three years of work, gone was the proof it had ever existed. A hunt for treasure. A battle to stay alive. When Royan Al Simma is the victim of a vicious attack that leaves her husband dead, her only thought is that she must continue their joint work: to use the secrets of the seventh scroll to find the hidden tomb of Pharaoh Mamose, and its untold trove of lost Egyptian riches. To do so, she must bury her grief and partner with the eccentric aristocrat Nicholas Quenton-Harper, a man who shares her passion for the ancient world. But the men who killed her husband are not yet finished. As Royan and Nicholas draw closer to the Pharaoh's tomb, enemies are gathering - people who will s...

Exam Ref AZ-104 Microsoft Azure Administrator (9780136805380)

Prepare for Microsoft Exam AZ-104-and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of Microsoft Azure administration. Designed for working Azure administrators, this Exam Ref focuses on the critical thinking and decision-making acumen needed for success at the Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate level. Focus on the expertise measured by these objectives: Manage Azure identities and governance Implement and manage storage Deploy and manage Azure compute resources Configure and manage virtual networking Monitor and back up Azure resources This Microsoft Exam Ref: Organizes its coverage by exam objectives Features strategic, what-if scenarios to challenge you Assumes you want to demonstrate your ability to administer diverse Microsoft Azure cloud environments About the Exam Exam AZ-104 focuses on knowledge needed to manage Azure AD objects, RBAC, subscriptions, and governance; manage storage accounts and Azure Storage data; configure Azure fi les and blob storage; configure VMs for ...

Adult Life : Aging, Responsibility, and the Pursuit of Happiness (9781438479514)

What does it mean to be an adult? In this original and compelling work, John Russon answers that question by leading us through a series of rich reflections on the psychological and social dimensions of adulthood and by exploring some of the deepest ethical and existential issues that confront human life: intimacy, responsibility, aging, and death. Using his knowledge of the history of philosophy along with the combined resources of psychology, sociology, and anthropology, he explores the behavioral challenges of becoming an adult and examines the intimate relationships that are integral to healthy development. He also studies our experiences of time and space, which address both aging and the crucial role that our material environments play in the formation of our personalities. Of special note is Russon's provocative assessment of the economic and political contexts of contemporary adult life and the distinctive problems they pose. Engaging and accessible, Adult Life is for anyon...